Corporate Member
By joining HKLIA as a corporate member, you can enjoy lots of benefit which included the following.
  • To enjoy discount products and services from IT & consumer product vendors.
    To receive newsletters and magazines from Association and International Linux / IT Association.
  • To enjoy Association's interest group discussion panel.
  • To enjoy web marketing tools and web directory listing service.
  • To attend all Association's function such as seminar, exhibition(both local and overseas), training, conference and etc.
  • To enjoy any function and social gathering conducted by the Association.
  • To enjoy recognition by local, national and international Linux communities.
  • To access the first hand technological resources from the Association.
  • Only organizations are eligible to be a corporate member.
  • Annual Fee: HK$3,000.00

Associate Member
Associate member does not have the right to vote, however, associate member can still attend to HKLIA activities and receiving news letters from HKLIA. Both individuals and organizations are eligible with corporate member referrals.
Annual Fee: HK$500.00

Click here to download Membership Form.


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