mon /contrib -- index

This is the mon /contrib archive. It contains user-submitted add-ons to mon, which are not included in the main mon distribution. Most submissions are not checked by the archive maintainers for quality and some may not work, or work how you expect them to (most are quite good, though).

If you have something to contribute, either a new submission or a patch to another contrib'ed item, great! Please read the contrib guidelines to speed up the inclusion of your submission in the archives.

Monitors. mon ships with a few basic monitors, extend your collection here. Browse the available monitors or download the whole collection of contrib'ed monitors.

Alerts. mon ships with a few basic alerts, extend your collection here. Browse the available alerts or download the whole collection of contrib'ed alerts.

CGI interfaces. mon ships with a basic CGI interface, monshow, but for those who want a different, less minimalist interface, you can download alternatives here. Browse the available cgi interfaces or download the whole cgi-bin collection here.

Utilities. Various utilities that help you manage and report on your mon configuration. Browse the utilities collection or download the whole collection of contrib'ed utilities here.

HOWTO documents. User-contributed documentation on mon.

Andrew Ryan <[email protected]>
Last modified: Tue May 22 21:46:29 PDT 2001