Dear Members and business associates,

May I take this opportunity to inform you about the upcoming Inauguration Ceremony and the Annual Dinner for Hong Kong Linux Industry Association on May 23, 2003. We have invited Mr. Alan Siu, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau - Information Technology and Broadcasting Branch, HKSAR as our guest of honour.

The detail of the function is highlighted as following:

Annual Dinner and Inauguration Ceremony of Executive Committee 2003
Date 23 May, 2003 (Friday)
Time 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Venue 14/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom
Guest of Honour Mr. Alan Siu
Deputy Secretary of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
Remarks $380 for members
$430 for non-members
Booking [email protected]

Don't miss this chance to network with your like-minded business partners. Seats are limited. Booking is on first come first serve basis. Please kindly call, fax or email to the Association or register on-line at our website

Look forward to seeing you in the Ceremony.

Sincerely yours,

David Chow
Chairman of HKLIA

 I WILL join the Annual Dinner, please reserve seat(s) for me.
 I WILL NOT join the Annual Dinner, please send me more news about HKLIA.
*Name : *Job Title :
*Organization : *Business Nature :
*E-mail : *Telephone :
Website : Fax :
Address :
   (* Required fields.)
For enquiry, please contact us by phone at 23525568 or by email [email protected].