About City of Daegu , Korea |
Daegu is situated in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula
surrounded by mountains in the north and south, and soft hills in
the east and west. It is located 80km from the southeast coast and 293km
from Seoul. The population is 2.5 million which is the third large city in South Korea.
The City of Daegu is strong in industries such as fashion and textiles, machinery and optical products. In addition, the city has promoted the industries of IT (Information Technology), BT (Biotechnology) and NT (Nano Technology) as well as international facilities for conventions and exhibitions. Daegu is a city with a long history of Korean tradition and a rich cultural heritage. It is modern city but maintaining the tradition of ancient Korea culture. The late President Park Chung Hee was born in Daegu. Above all, the City of Daegu is planning to be sustainable in the future to insure a high quality of human life by restoring and preserving its natural environment. Most of the headquarters and development are there. |