2010 / 2011 Cloud Computing - New Business Model for SMEs
中小企的新商業模式 - 雲端運算2010/2011

Date 日期: 15 April 2010 (Thursday 星期四)

Time 時間:2:30 –5:15 PM

Venue 地點:Seminar Rooms S222 - 223, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心會議室S222 - 223

Organisers:Hong Kong Trade Development Council 香港貿易發展局

主辦機構:Hog Kong Linux Industry Association香港Linux商會

Supported by支持機構:Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港生產力促進局, Hong Kong Computer Society 香港電腦學會, Hong Kong Linux User Group香港Linux用戶協會, The Electronic Science and Technology Association of Macau澳門電子科學技術協會, Information and Software Industry Association 資訊及軟件業商會, Macau Productivity & Technology Transfer Center 澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心, Information Technology Association 資訊科技協會(澳門),Open Source Software Association 開放源碼軟件協會(澳門), Opensource Application Knowledge Association 開放系統研用協會, Open Standard Support Organization開源標準科技協進會, Guangdong Linux Center廣東省Linux公共服務技術支持中心, Shenzhen Information Industry Association深圳市信息行業協會, 廣東開源軟件產業發展促進會, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council 香港資訊科技聯會, Internet Professional Association互聯網專業協會, BCS(Hong Kong Section) 英國電腦學會(香港分會)

Supporting Media支持媒體 : Linux Pilot

We are on the road to recovery after the financial melt down since 2008. Adoption of information and communication technology to improve the bottom line is inevitable. The evolution of Cloud Computing brings a lot of benefits. Is it a promising trend or just another term? Audiences can share the thoughts from the industry elites.


Hon. Dr. Samson Tam arrives and greets with guests.
(Left to right) Alan Kan, Hon. Dr. Samson Tam, Vincent Shiu
(Left to right)Dennis Kwok, Hon. Dr. Samson Tam, Alan Kan, David Ely
Welcoming Address 致歡迎辭 Hon. Dr. Samson Tam, JP 立法會議員譚偉豪博士太平紳士
Keynote speech 主題演講 Dennis Kwok, Certified Senior I/T Architect of IBM China IBM 中國認可高級資訊科技設計師
Keynote speech 主題演講 David Ely, Director of Product Management, Novell Hong Kong
Considerations of Cloud Computing採用雲端運算的考慮Mr. Alan Kan, Chairman, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association香港Linux商會 主席 簡錦源先生
Group photo of key guests 嘉賓大合照